Cloud Lamp Won't Float Away
Sure, it doesn't have a built-in computer or apps, but the Cloud Lamp is as creative
as they come. It was designed by Zhao Liping. Pricing and availability have not yet
been announced.
Inspired by the poem of Xu Zhimo. Designed by Zhao Liping.
중국 출신 디자이너인 Zhao Liping이 중국의 시인인 서지마의 시에서 영감을 받아 만든
구름 램프. 상용화나 가격에 대해선 현재까지 미정 상태.

Sure, it doesn't have a built-in computer or apps, but the Cloud Lamp is as creative
as they come. It was designed by Zhao Liping. Pricing and availability have not yet
been announced.
Inspired by the poem of Xu Zhimo. Designed by Zhao Liping.
중국 출신 디자이너인 Zhao Liping이 중국의 시인인 서지마의 시에서 영감을 받아 만든
구름 램프. 상용화나 가격에 대해선 현재까지 미정 상태.
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