Movie & TV News

MovieWeb™에서 공개한 "Sweeney Todd"의 최신 클립

용진이아빠 2007. 12. 1. 23:50

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Watch 9 New Clips from Sweeney Todd

Sweeney Todd hits the theaters on December 21. You don't have to wait that long, though,
to check out nine new clips from the latest Tim Burton/Johnny Depp collaboration.
Click below to check out these new clips.
"Sweeney Todd"는 12월 21일에 극장 개봉이지만 오래 기다릴 필요없이 '팀 버튼'감독과 '조니 뎁'
콤비의 "Sweeney Todd" 영화 속 9개의 최신 클립을 맛뵈기로 봐라.

Sweeney Todd
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My Friends

You Ganderd at My Ward

Not While I Am Around

Sweeney Todd Now

Little Priest