Movie & TV News

"Cloverfield"에 등장하는 괴물의 모습과 울음소리

용진이아빠 2007. 11. 16. 18:24
'CanMag'에서는 아래와 같이 전한다.
Over the past week it has been pointed out that the Cloverfield creature will have scales, which also happen to contain raptor-like creatures that come exploding out of them when the beast is injured or hit by, I don't know, heavy artillery. Sounds crazy but kind of cool, right?

Well, the good people at
AICN have received an email from somebody -- who claims to be close to one of the production crew -- that confirms the creature's scales will in fact be troublesome as they contain thousands of parasites with claw legs. Not exactly raptors, but at least the initial reports had the right idea.

The email gets even more interesting with a new theory -- the monster has some relation to whales. Preposterous, right? Well, maybe not. If you listen to
this sound recording of the beast, one can't help but notice the mating call of the giant blue whale. Okay, okay, maybe it's not that specific, but it sure does sound like a whale. As a little icing on the cake, the Slusho website makes mention of whales. Go figure!
음.. 대충 이렇다. 제작진과 가까운 사람에 의하면,
"Cloverfield"의 몬스터는 피부표면에 갈고리 다리를 가진 수많은 기생충이 덮여 있다고 하는데..
팬아트가 얼핏 비슷해보이기도 하다.
괴물의 울음소리는 흰긴수염고래(Giant blue whale)의 짝짓기 소리와 비슷하지만 확실히 고래의
소리와는 다르다는 소식이다.

공개된 "Cloverfield" 티저 포스터를 아래와 같은 방식으로 좌우대칭을 하면 '데칼코마니'무늬같은
영화 속, 괴수의 모습이 드러난다.

흰긴수염고래(Giant blue whale)의 짝짓기 소리와 비슷하다는 "Cloverfield" 괴물의 울음소리