Movie & TV News

007: Quantum of Solace 12개의 새로운 영상들 공개

용진이아빠 2008. 10. 22. 11:54
8 New Video Clips and 4 New Featurettes from Quantum of Solace!
We've got 8 new exciting video clips, the "Another Way to Die" music video, featuring Jack White and Alicia Keys, and 4 new featurettes featuring with Daniel Craig, director Marc Forster, Gemma Arterton, Jeffrey Wright and Mathieu Amalric! Take a look below...

새로 공개된 007: 퀀텀 오브 솔러스의 짧은 영상 8개와 4개의 특별 영상들

영화 속 짧은 영상들
Tunnel Chase

Vesper's Boyfriend

What Were You Expecting?

Boat Chase

I Need a Passport

My Name Is Fields

We're Both Using Greed

Hotel Explosion

Featurette #4: Expectations of Quantum of Solace
영화에 대한 기대감을 토로하는 영상

Featurette #5: Scoring Quantum of Solace
음악 작업 영상

"Another Way to Die" Music Video
"Another Way to Die" 뮤직비디오

Behind-the-Scenes of the "Another Way to Die" Music Video
"Another Way to Die" 뮤직비디오 찰영 비하인드씬

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