자살과 관련된 내용의 블랙 유머 중, 자살 장치들
Some guns are made in a way that makes you wonder..
Here is the more recent "lethal" gadget: Bathduck Suicide Device
It has a proper disclaimer, of course: "make sure you are making the right decision"
If your thing is to stick your fingers into electrical sockets, there is a device for this, too (an adapter for fingers)
[Fun & Technology] - 지금껏 본 적 없는 놀랍고 귀여운 USB 장난감 Tengu 공개!!!
[Fun & Technology] - 중국에서 만든 말보로 핸드폰
[Chitchat] - The X-Files: The field where I died 중 삽입된 브라우닝의 극시 Paracelsus
[Music & Movie OST] - Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
[Music & Movie OST] - Rick Astley - Together Forever
Some guns are made in a way that makes you wonder..

Here is the more recent "lethal" gadget: Bathduck Suicide Device
It has a proper disclaimer, of course: "make sure you are making the right decision"

If your thing is to stick your fingers into electrical sockets, there is a device for this, too (an adapter for fingers)

[Fun & Technology] - 중국에서 만든 말보로 핸드폰
[Chitchat] - The X-Files: The field where I died 중 삽입된 브라우닝의 극시 Paracelsus
[Music & Movie OST] - Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
[Music & Movie OST] - Rick Astley - Together Forever
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