Fun & Technology

듀얼 터치스크린이 달린 유리 휴대폰

용진이아빠 2008. 11. 25. 12:27
Glass Phone has Dual Touchscreens
Called "Glassy Glassy", here's yet another glass phone concept with dual touchscreens. Though not very practical or rugged for that matter, it's a beautiful design nonetheless.
And with a full-glass (and a little bit of plastic) construction, I wouldn't be using it on
anything but pure-pc-clean-hands days.

듀얼 터치스크린이 달린 유리 휴대폰
"Glassy Glassy"는 듀얼 터치스크린이 장착된 또 다른 글래스 폰 컨셉이다.
상용화시키기엔 너무 실용적이지 못하거나 다른 힘든 문제가 많지만, 그럼에도 불구하고
아름다운 디자인임에는 틀림없다.

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